Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Seeing some good days

Phew. I know it has been a long time since I have posted, but I just have not had spare time to sit in front of the computer for anything non-work related. Since my last post, Charlie has started Diflucan, his new probiotic (Lactobacillus Duo), and colostrum (to help with the bacterial infections and improve overall immunity). Every day is different, but overall I have been happy with the last few days.

Charlie has had more vocalizations including requesting cookie, chip and tomato. He also shut the door and said "close the door." We spent the 4th with some good friends, BBQing and hanging out at their pool. Charlie was clearly tired and reaching his limit. He said "wanna go home." And last night when reaching the end of his bath he said "get out of the pool." (I thought this was especially cute.) His therapists have all said he's had a good week. He has requested help and is transitioning beautifully from one task to the next. He's also been doing much better on the potty with little to no fussing.

Possibly the biggest development I have noticed is how easy it has been the past 2 days to give Charlie his medicine. Normally he would freak out and we had to struggle to hold him down. The last 2 nights he has whimpered and made some minor protests, but then takes the medicine quite well and doesn't cry. This is a huge improvement and shows that his anxiety appears to be getting better. He also does not fuss when you brush his teeth anymore. (But he still hates haircuts and not a big fan of having his nails clipped. He also went for a tux fitting and was NOT happy about it.)

Every day is different. One day will be great, and the next Charlie is back to not saying things he easily said the day before. I have to remind myself to be patient and that this is part of the process. I do feel that there is an overall improvement, though. This is very encouraging and makes me so proud of my little boy.

As I type this, the news is in the background. As has been the constant topic for the past week, they are discussing Michael Jackson's passing. Despite all of the controversy that marked MJ's last decade on this earth, I cannot and will not judge any of his actions as I never walked in his shoes and have no personal knowledge of anything that transpired in his life. I always felt sorry for him as he never appeared to be truly happy, despite his almost incomprehensible talent and fame. Not only did he make people happy through his music, he was also a humanitarian, breaking the world record for most charities supported by a pop star. MJ was a part of my childhood. I remember listening to the Thriller album over and over, watching the Thriller video (and being scared out of my wits), and dancing to Beat It in my 4th grade talent show. Because he was such an integral part of my adolescent world and was such a gifted musician, I will miss him. I have been listening to one of his songs over and over this last week. It reminds me of Charlie, and about all that I love and cherish. I think the words are profound and thank MJ for writing this:

There's a place in your heart
and I know that it is love.
And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll find there's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place.

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